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XR Workshop Boston@Colourbox

XR for Educators Boston

--- This workshop will take place in person on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at the Goethe-Institut Boston, 170 Beacon street, MA, 02116. Spaces are limited and awarded on a first-come, first- serve basis. Registration deadline is September 15, 2023. 

Although digital devices are widely used in classrooms today, "lessons" are still often designed and conducted by the teacher. However, it has become increasingly apparent that neither the use of digital end devices per se nor good lesson planning and implementation seem to be a guarantee for learning success and learner motivation. How can this be explained?

Quite simply: future-oriented learning looks differently. In this workshop we will leave familiar paths in teaching pedagogy behind in order to learn how we can support our students in obtaining the skills they will need for their future as responsible world-citizens.

Of particular interest in this context are extended reality (XR), i.e., virtual, mixed and augmented reality, as well as game-based learning. We will use concrete examples and consider various projects, among others from the global Goethe-Institut network to learn how to motivate our learners to actively create and share content in cooperation with fellow learners.

In the workshop, teachers can experiment with the creation of mixed and virtual reality content in order to engage with future-oriented projects for learners on the topic of sustainability and the future on the one hand, and to try out an app suitable for this purpose on the other. After this first experience, the teachers create similar projects for their learners together.



  9:00- 10:45    Get to know XR
11:00- 1:00 pm Ideate: My everyday life in 2035
1:00- 1:30 pm Lunch provided by Goethe-Institut 
1:30- 3:30pm Personalize XR for use in your classroom

Technology and tools provided by the Goethe-Institut: 
- VR- goggles (Oculus) 
- IPAds 
- 360 Camera
- Greenscreen

Please bring your smartphone.


Stephanie Wössner

Stephanie Wössner is a freelance consultant and speaker for future-oriented learning with a focus on extended reality, game-based learning, AI, design and futures thinking and  metaverse. Currently she is a team leader innovation at the Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg, Germany. 

Stephanie Wössner @Stephanie Wössner
