India: Museum of the Future (2017-2019)

Museum of the Future
© Goethe-Institut / Aarushi Surana
What meaning does education have for the wellbeing of a society? Academics, museum specialists and other experts from Germany and India joined forces to investigate this issue.

The Museum of the Future event series examined various aspects of a museum, starting with the question of architectural form – Should there be physical buildings or digital collections and exhibitions? Then they considered the changing goals and responsibilities and the question of the relationship museums have with the origin cultures of the collection artefacts, and finally the museum as a public space. What role do museums play in the facilitation of what you might refer to as a “subject” in terms of emancipated citizenship?

Key words:
Future of museums, dialogue, conference

Further information:
Project page at Goethe-Institut Indien

Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi (2017/18)
Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (2019)
