Tbilisi, Georgia: Why Museums Now? (2012)

Why Museums Now? © © Goethe-Institut Georgien / Gocha Nemsadze Why Museums Now? © Goethe-Institut Georgien / Gocha Nemsadze
How has the museum scene developed in the post-Soviet era? What new ideas are sparking the interest of directors, managers and architects from major museums in Europe, America and Asia? How are museums changing in the 21st century in the East and West?

The international conference Why Museums Now?, hosted by the Goethe-Institut, the Georgian National Museum and the Berlin Museums – Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation with Excellence funding from the Board of Directors at the Goethe-Institut, focused on the roles of museums today: as an exhibition venue and meeting point, as an architectural feature, tourism factor and fulcrum of creative economy.

Key words:
Future of museums, dialogue, conference

Further information:

Georgian National Museum
Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
