Bridging borders through airwaves
Radio Bridge 2015

Radiobrücke Radiobrücke

radioeins is building a Radio Bridge to Greece for four broadcast days in September. Live from the Goethe-Institut Athens, reporters will report on life in the Greek capital in interviews, audio contributions and daily short videos. radioeins examines the effects of the current economic roller coaster on everyday life in Greece and the cultural scene. How is  society and everyday life changing in a European country where suddenly going to the bank is no longer a matter of course? 

The broadcasts from Athens convey an impression of life and the current situation in Athens through interviews, features and a mini-Greek language course.  
Radio Bridge is a cooperation between the Film, Television and Radio Department of the Goethe-Institut Head Office and rbb. From September 4th to September 17th, a team led by presenter Nancy Fischer from radioeins will broadcast live for three hours a day from the café of the Goethe-Institut Athens. The Goethe-Institut in Athens, incidentally the oldest institute abroad, will be both host and broadcast studio for this second Radio Bridge cooperation with radioeins, a place for interviews and live music, for conversations between Greeks and Germans. 

Please note that the following content is only available in German.

Performance of musician Locomondo

Interview with musician Imam Baildi

Radio eins

Interview with editor for audiovisual media Maren Niemeyer

Interview with Syriza-politician Giorgios Chondros

Who is Costa Cordalis?

Who will win in the election?

Interview with the director of the Goethe-Institut Matthias Makoswki

Interview with musician Stella

The German Evangelical Church in Athens

Clearance of the Greek islands

The current situation of the refugees

Refugee metropolis Athens

Issam reports on his escape from Syria

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