Project funding
Touring Green: professional musicians

Sustainable Music Projects in Europe: To buck the trend of short-lived fast-paced music tours, this pilot project seeks to help professional performing artists develop sustainable approaches to touring and put them into practice in the form of a low-carbon concert tour. Besides sustainable travel, the idea is to promote exchange with local collaborators and make better, more intensive use of time spent in each location.

A young man standing in the mountains with a guitar strapped to his back, viewed from behind Pexels / Amine M'siouri

Conditions of Funding

Professional musicians, ensembles and composers whose artistic life is centred in Germany and who want to make their music projects sustainable.

We promote sustainable and resource-efficient music-related travel within Europe with a lump sum to cover all costs incurred, such as train tickets, accommodation, food, technical equipment and gear.

Solo artists: €150 per day
Groups: €150 per day for one person, €100 per day for up to three additional actively involved artists travelling with the group

The following are excluded from funding: Travel to German-speaking countries abroad, benefit projects, amateur music projects, travel of a tourist nature, development aid projects, projects in a school or training context, participation in congresses, symposia or competitions.

  • The tour lasts a minimum of ten and a maximum of 21 days.
  • The number of persons funded is limited to a maximum of four.
  • Only projects that can be realised without air travel will be funded.
  • The focus of the journey should be sustainability and musical exchange with local collaborators.
  • Willingness to document the trip, to draw up a final report on the experiences made and to participate in an evaluation of the funding programme.

  • Sustainability concept for travel and stay on site
  • In order to continuously improve our funding offer, we ask for the submission of a carbon footprint report after completion of the trip. The following CO2 calculators are optionally available for this purpose (please note that we cannot assume any liability for the content of external pages):
  • Meaningful project description and brief description thereof
  • If possible, a concrete description of the planned itinerary, the expected travel period and duration, the places, institutions, people etc. to be visited.
  • Information on musical partnerships in the target countries 
  • If applicable, outline possible collaboration with the local Goethe-Institut abroad

Measures that have already begun, that is projects for which bookings (e.g., for trains) have already been made, cannot generally be funded. Before you make binding bookings, it is therefore necessary to apply informally for the so-called early start of the measure. The awarding of the early start of the measure is not equivalent to a binding funding commitment.

Please take note of our privacy policy.

The tour must have been fully completed by 31.12.2024 at the latest.

Next application deadline

This open call is no longer active.


Goethe-Institut e.V.
Music Division | Touring Green Tel. +49 89 15921-612

Further information

Sustainability and inclusion

Making music projects sustainable is a high priority for us. So we’d be glad to advise you on ways to minimize your project’s carbon footprint.

Another high priority is to help people with disabilities take part in arts and culture.

If you have any questions in this regard or need assistance with the application process, feel free to contact us.

Recommendations for climate- and resource-friendly travel in the Music Division funding programmes:​​​​​​​

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