INTER:CITIES Berlin — Santiago — La Serena

Tomas Koljatic (Chile), Esteban Correa (Chile), Hector Moro (Chile/Germany) and Ensemble LUX:NM (Germany)

The Chilean composer, Hector Moro, initiated a joint project between the LUX:NM ensemble and the two festivals Música Contemporánea (Santiago) and Músicahora (La Serena). Within the framework of the festivals, the involved artists exchanged various experiences with regard to the topic crossover, modern improvisation and conditions for freelance musicians in both countries. The international work project INTER:CITIES was named "Berlin-Santiago-La Serena" according to the intercity exchange.

In a "work in progress" scheme, young Chilean composers had the opportunity to work on new compositions with the instrumentalists of the LUX:NM Ensemble. Master classes and performances of compositions by German, Chilean and Polish composers were held during the Festival XXVI Festival de Música Contemporánea in Santiago de Chile and Músicahora in La Serena.

Initiator: Hector Moro | Project participants: Tomas Koljatic, Esteban Correa, Silke Lange, Ruth Velten, Florian Juncker, Wolfgang Zamastil, Malgorzata Walentynowicz | With support from: NAVE, Goethe-Institut – Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds

This project is part of round 1 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2016.
