• Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Lithuania
  • Slovak Republic
  • Poland

Journalists-in-Residence Programme

We are looking for committed journalists who are interested in spending one month in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania or Poland to take part in the work of PERSPECTIVES – the new label for young, constructive and multi-perspective journalism.

PERSPECTIVES is co-funded by the EU and implemented by an editorial network from Central-Eastern Europe under the leadership of the Goethe-Institut. It provides young people with thought-provoking, multi-perspective and multi-format content on topics of transnational relevance.

Opened magazine, with three persons visible on three separate pages on the right side © Tetiana Kostyk for Goethe-Institut Prag

Conditions of Funding

Journalists with at least two years of experience in reporting on topics with a transnational dimension and experience with media targeted to younger audiences (age 18-30).

Good English skills required (working language of the project).

While the project consortium is composed of partners from Central and Eastern Europe, we also encourage journalists from countries not represented in the consortium, including EU candidate states in the wider region, to apply.

A stipend of up to 4.000 EUR to cover travel, accommodation and research-related expenditures during your 4-week residency (paid as a lump sum).

The expected outcome of each residency will be at least one longer content piece, for example an article, a podcast, a reportage or documentary, to be published in your home media or a youth media outlet of your choice (pending PERSPECTIVES Newsroom approval).

  • uniqueness of the proposal
  • thematic relevance
  • relevance for young audiences
  • financial plausibility

  • CV
  • letter of motivation
  • at least one writing sample (made available in English)
  • research idea/proposal
  • workplan
  • cost calculation

Digital application, to be submitted via the Goethe Application Portal (GAP)

Please draw your attention to the applicable Data Protection.

Application Deadline

31 December 2023


Christina Sell
Goethe-Institut Prag

Further Information

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