• Canada

Residency for new music in Montréal

The residency for new music in Montreal supports German-Canadian exchange. In collaboration with the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Le Vivier - Carrefour des musiques nouvelles, composers from Germany and Canada have the opportunity to get to know the local scene in the host country and to work actively in it.

Composer Anna Korsun working on an unusual score. Photo (detail): Anna Korsun © Konrad Fersterer

Conditions of Funding

This international residency is designed for composers who have at least two years of artistic practice and who have had at least one work broadcasted or interpreted publicly in places or contexts recognized by their peers.

The length of the residency is two months: March and April 2025, with a possibility to perform as part of the Le Vivier season.

The grant includes the following for each residency: transport costs and lodging. The selected artist will also receive $ 3,000 CAD to cover living costs.

  • Quality of the application
  • Relevance in the local scene.

  • A cover letter in which you demonstrate how the residency will impact your professional development
  • A description of the project (one page)
  • A biography
  • An extract of a recent work

To apply for these residencies, please send your application (in English) by May 15, 2024 to caroline.gagnon@goethe.de. 

We request that composers mention their technical requirements for the residency and to distinguish between what is necessary from what is desirable. Le Vivier and its partners will try to provide this equipment to the best of their abilities.

An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the applicants.

Please note the applicable privacy policy.

Application Deadline

May 15, 2024


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