• Canada

Choreography residency Montréal

The choreography residency in Montréal supports German-Canadian exchange. In collaboration with the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique and Fabrik Potsdam, dance artists from Germany and Canada have the opportunity to get to know the local scene in the host country and to work actively in it.

Joy Ritter and Lukas Steltner © David Azurzo

Conditions of Funding

This international residency is addressed to choreographers, dancers and emerging artists who have a minimum of two years of artistic experience. The artists must have been living and working in Germany for at least two years.

The length of the stay is two months, August 4 to September 26, 2025.

The grant includes: transport costs and lodging. The selected artists will also receive $3000 to cover the costs of living.

  • Quality of the application
  • Relevance in the local scene.

  • A letter of intention in which you explain how the residency will influence or contribute to your professional development
  • A description of the project (one page)
  • A list of collaborators and partners involved
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A video excerpt of maximum ten (10) minutes of a recent creation (no trailer).

To apply for the residency, please send your application in one PDF file in English by October 15, 2024 to caroline.gagnon@goethe.de.

Applications with project descriptions and videos exceeding the imposed limits will not be considered.

An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the applicants.

Please note the applicable privacy policy.

Application Deadline

October 15, 2024

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