Episode 17 – Lima

Episode 17 – Lima © Artwork: © Šejma Fere Episode 17 – Lima Artwork: © Šejma Fere
A podcast by Ale Hop (Alejandra Cárdenas)

Olga Rodriguez-Ulloa, Wicho García, Fabiola Bazo
Domingo de Ramos, Wilder Gonzales Agreda
Frau Diamanda, Javi Vargas Sotomayor

Original music:
Fil Uno (Cello), Ale Hop (Electronics)

Radical Archeologies: Unearthing Lima’s Sonic and Poetic Landscapes

Episode 17 of the Timezones podcast series, co-initiated and co-produced by Norient and the Goethe-Institut. This episode looks into artistic ruptures and subjectivities in Lima, Perú, forged during a period of authoritarianism, economic recession, and widespread social hopelessness to understand the cyclical nature of Peruvian politics. It revisits the Peruvian subte (underground) scene, which created a space for young people to channel their frustrations through music.

In Lima, Perú, between the mid-1980s and late 1990s, countercultural artistic movements emerged amidst a complex social and political crisis, followed by internal armed conflict and the Fujimori-Montesinos dictatorship (1990–2000). These artistic movements have endured the years of dictatorship and will hopefully also resist the most recent shift to, once again, authoritarian Peruvian politics. Since December 2022, Perú faces a new government, led by Dina Boluarte in the presidency and Fujimori’s party in Congress.

In this context, this episode sheds light on Lima’s subte scene. It offers a critical intersectional perspective through the positions of academics who have researched the topic. It further delves into the theme of artistic dissidence through the voices of some of its protagonists, while exploring some of the unequal social structures that divide the city through an examination of the relationship of contemporary musicians and artists with the city of Lima.


Bonus Material

Precariousness and Globalization: The Sounds of the Lima Underground Scene
moderated and produced by Alonso Almenara

Alejandra Cárdenas and Luis Alvarado, two of the most prominent figures of the Lima underground music scene, join Peruvian journalist Alonso Almenara in a discussion about the current state of experimental music-making in the Peruvian capital. Luis is a curator, a musician, and the director of the Lima-based record label Buh Records. Better known as Ale Hop, Cárdenas is an experimental musician currently living in Germany; her latest album, Agua Dulce (a collaboration with the cajonera Laura Robles) has received critical acclaim. Together, they discuss recent developments in Lima’s musical life, such as the creation of the collectives Deshumanización (which brings together experimental and free improv musicians) and Retama (a collective of women composers). They also look at the role of the trans community in these events, and the activities of music labels such as Buh Records, and of spaces such as Fundación Telefónica, Casa Bagre, and Proyecto AMIL. Finally, our guests reflect on the international connections of this scene, as well as its limitations in terms of financial autonomy and government support.

Luis Alvarado © © private Luis Alvarado © private
Luis Alvarado (Lima, 1980) studied audiovisual communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Perú. He is an independent curator and researcher focused on art and sound, as well as on experimental music. He is the director of the record label Buh Records, which has made significant contributions to the historical archiving of avant-garde and experimental music from Perú and Latin America. As a curator, he has organized various documentary exhibitions, including Resistencias: primeras vanguardias musicales en el Perú (2006), Inventar la voz: nuevas tradiciones orales (2009), and Hacer la audición: Encuentros entre arte y sonido en el Perú (2016). He also manages centrodelsonido.pe, a digital archive of Peruvian sound art, and is involved in the development of centralamazonica.pe, a website dedicated to archiving Amazonian popular music. Follow him on Instagram.

Alonso Almenara © © private Alonso Almenara © private
Alonso Almenara (Lima, 1982) studied audiovisual communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Perú. He is a journalist, communicator, and cultural critic who has written about music and visual arts for publications such as El Comercio, Caretas, Ojo Dorado, and The Wire. His recent articles on contemporary classical music can be found at centrodelsonido.pe, and his interviews with photographers are published at Vistprojects.com. He is one of the authors included in the book Sabor peruano: Travesías musicales (Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara, 2021). Follow him on Instagram.



Artistic Editor: Suvani Suri
Project Management: Hannes Liechti
Video Trailer: Karrl
Jingle Voiceover: Nana Akosua Hanson
Jingle Mix: Daniel Jakob
Mastering: Adi Flück, Centraldubs
Artwork: Šejma Fere
Copy Editing: Kathrin Hadeler​​​​​​​

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