Cities Ahead Academy Hamm

Cities Ahead Academy Hamm © City of Hamm

The Cities Ahead Academy Hamm was organised by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the city of Hamm on 29 February and 1 March 2024 at the Gustav-Lübcke-Museum Hamm.
The cultural scene in Hamm is diverse and exciting - which is precisely why it is capable of development. I am delighted that we [...] can benefit from the Goethe-Institut's extensive experience and broad network.
Marc Herter - Mayor City of Hamm

Topics and workshops

The Creative City – Building Creative City Ecosystems
Expert: Charles Landry (Urbanist and Author “The Creative City“)

Cultural participation in the context of urban development
Expert: Davide Brocchi (Social scientist and transformation expert)

Leveraging Culture for Sustainability
Expert: Markus Wörl (Agency woerlpool)


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