Creative FLIP

Creative Flip

The cultural and creative sector fulfils key tasks for the economy and society. Nevertheless, there are still structural problem areas that hinder the sector's full growth potential. This is where the Creative FLIP project co-financed by the European Union comes in. Its overarching goal is to create constructive and sustainable framework conditions in the fields of finance, learning, innovation and patenting for the cultural and creative industries in Europe.

During the 28-month project period, the project partners will develop various research and pilot measures to improve the use of the financial and patent system and to increase the integration of the cultural and creative sector into the European competence and qualification framework. Furthermore, the relationship between actors in this sector and formal and informal education will be strengthened through so-called peer-to-peer exchanges and innovative learning laboratories.

The Creative FLIP project is coordinated by the Goethe-Institut Brussels as lead partner and implemented together with the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN), IDEA Consult, VVA, 3S and the Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg (IPIL).
