30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch

Picture collage with participants of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

For 30 years, the Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut have been promoting the German language as a working and procedural language in the European institutions with the scholarship program Europanetzwerk Deutsch.

30 years of Europanetzwerk Deutsch means more than 3,000 scholarship holders from 39 countries, over 240 EU courses in Germany, more than 15,000 hours of German learning and specialist discussions with experts, and more than 1,000 individuals from the European environment connected each year. 
Since 1994, EU officals and ministry officials have experienced the first-hand benefits of multilingualism and European cooperation in face-to-face and digital course and event formats. In our anniversary year, we want to live and celebrate all of this even more intensively than usual.

Photo: © 30 Jahre Europanetzwerk Deutsch, Iliana Ivanova

Congratulations from EU commissioner Iliana Ivanova

Iliana Ivanova, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and alumna of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch, congratulates on its 30th anniversary. Here you can hear and see the importance she attaches to multilingualism and the German language in European communication and for what she is still grateful to Europanetzwerk Deutsch.

Events 2024

The motto of our anniversary year is "The Future of Europe". In addition to our popular formats, we will make 2024 to an outstanding year with special events. Visit our event calendar.

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Voices from our network

Alumni group during alumni event 2023 in Berlin standing on a bridge holding up silver balloons lettering 30 years Photo: © Bernhard Ludewig

In addition to language courses and cultural events, the Europanetzwerk Deutsch also organizes regular alumni meetings to maintain the network. At one of our meetings, we asked the participants what they appreciate in the program...


Alumna Cristina Asturias with balloons in the background which result in the number 30 for the anniversary of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch Photo (detail): © Bernhard Ludewig

Cristina Asturias works in the European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Here you can hear why she is taking part in the Europanetzwerk Deutsch program for years...

Alumnus Oleg Dmitrijev, holding balloons which result in the number 30 for the anniversary of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch Photo: © Bernhard Ludewig

Oleg Dmitrijev works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia and is enthusiastic about the Europanetzwerk Deutsch. He wanted to improve his language skills and learn more about Germany's foreign policy and has learned a lot more...


Emmanuelle de Foy during alumni event 2023 Photo: © Bernhard Ludewig

Emmanuelle de Foy works at the Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs. She explains why the Europanetzwerk Deutsch is an important instrument of European diplomacy for her...


Dr. Francesca Siniscalchi during alumni event 2023 Photo: © Bernhard Ludewig

Dr. Francesca Siniscalchi works for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Here she unfolds why she believes that the Europanetzwerk Deutsch courses teach what it means to be European...

Magdalena Sroka-Barwińska during alumni event 2023 Photo (detail): © Bernhard Ludewig

Magdalena Sroka-Barwińska works at the  Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland. She associates the Europanetzwerk Deutsch with new friendships and unique experiences. Find out why she would recommend taking part...


Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Belgium at the interview for the 30th anniversary of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Goethe-Institut/Tatjana Bratkina

Martin Kotthaus about Europanetzwerk Deutsch

Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Belgium, supports with the Europanetzwerk Deutsch for many years. Listen here to find out why he considers the program to be an investment...
(You can find the complete interview here.)

Thoughts from our network

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...an important part of my current life because it enriches my culture, my knowledge of Europe and German society." (Ana Paula Ramalho de Almeida)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...a wonderful opportunity to learn many new things, because you can not only speak German, but also meet new colleagues and get new ideas." (Minna Aaltonen)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...a gain, because it helps to understand Europe." (Ines Arland)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...particularly important because it gives me the opportunity to make new contacts and get to know German society better." (Angel Kalinov)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...a great program because you can learn about Germany, discuss European topics and meet colleagues from Europe." (Magali Lenoël)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...the family that speaks German." (Magdalena Sroka-Barwińska)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...the perfect example of how Europe should work together because it is well organized with a flair for diversity, inclusive and purposeful." (Francesca Siniscalchi)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...a new world, because the German language has opened a new window." (Sonya Staykova)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...a great intellectual enrichment and at the same time a learning process, because the participants and the actors bring many new aspects with them." (Edina Telessy)

  • 30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

    "...an opportunity to improve my German and meet new people because it is very professionally organized." (Žarko Vojnić)

More statements from our Alumni:
