Vernissage with artist talk and guided tours 35 years fall of the Berlin Wall - longterm photographic observations

35 Jahre Mauerfall - Fotografische Langzeitbeobachtungen Foto (Ausschnitt): © Klaus Dierßen

Mon, 21.10.2024

6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Press Club Brussels

Vernissage with the photographer Ditmar Schädel

Participation for EU civil servants and ministerial officials from the permanent representations of the EU member states and invited guests of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Belgium 

November 9, 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Together with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Goethe-Institut Brussels is celebrating this anniversary as part of its Europanetzwerk Deutsch programme with an exhibition based on long-term photographic observations by photographers Ditmar Schädel and Klaus Dierßen. 

After a greeting by Ambassador Martin Kotthaus and Dr Elke Kaschl-Mohni, Director of the Goethe-Institut Brussels and the Southwest Europe Region and EU representative, the visit to the exhibition will be accompanied by a discussion between Ditmar Schädel and Katrin Schmidt, representative for the Europanetzwerk Deutsch programme. Afterwards, the artist will be available for short guided tours.

After the opening of the German-German border, Klaus Dierßen and Ditmar Schädel photographed selected situations in the former GDR and documented external change with the project ‘DANACH UND DANACH’. During regular visits to selected locations, the changes were recorded from an identical perspective with large-format colour photographs; the changes are sometimes serious, but sometimes only visible in small details. 

In ‘Angesehen - in Ostdeutschland’, Klaus Dierßen and Ditmar Schädel focus on 20 people from the new federal states and show them in a portrait and several views of their respective living and working environments. An interview transcript, which is reproduced almost unedited, provides information on the personal view of the changes and the perspectives of the people presented.

18:00 Admission
18:30 Welcome by Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of  Belgiun
18:40 Welcome by Dr Elke Kaschl-Mohni, Director of the Goethe-Institut and the Southwest Europe Region and EU Representative 
18:50: Discussion between the photographer Ditmar Schädel and Katrin Schmidt, Representative for the European Network German 

Followed by short guided tours of the exhibition in small groups. Closing with a small reception. 

Registration is requested by 11.10.2024. 

The exhibition is accessible from 22 October to 29 November 2024 from Mon to Fri 9:00 - 18:00. (No access during Press Club events, please consult the Press Club Brussels Europe event calendar).
