Study preparation

We offer courses to optimally prepare students for higher education in Germany – academically, linguistically and culturally.
Our pre-study courses increase students’ incentive to learn German and in this way attract motivated and qualified professionals to the German labour market.
What we offer:
  • digital modules in STEM subjects / economic sciences
  • renowned partner universities with an allotted number of places for Studienbrücke students
  • intercultural training courses in preparation for a degree programme in Germany
  • preparatory language courses


The Studienbrücke programme offers students a direct route to an undergraduate programme in a STEM subject/economics.

Studienbrücke. Students learn together Photo: Goethe-Institut, Getty Images Photo: Goethe-Institut, Getty Images

Digitaler Campus

By participating in DAAD’s Digital Campus project, we help pool existing online courses (language, subject-specific, cultural) to prepare prospective students for university study.

Learn German

Learn German with success in more than 90 countries on-site at your Goethe-Institut or online.

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