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Prince AhmedPrimrose Productions

Cineconcert: The Adventures of Prince Achmed

Germany, 1926
66 min., b/w and colour

Director: Lotte Reiniger
Screenplay: Lotte Reiniger (based on themes and motifs of Thousand and One Nights)

With “The Adventures of Prince Achmed” Lotte Reiniger created the first full-length feature animated film in the history of cinema. The technical and aesthetic aspects of this film genre had already been developed to cinematic perfection in the 20s. Her style continued the tradition of shadow plays performed in China, which she expanded through the technical possibilities offered by the cinema. 

For the first time in the UAE, a collaborative cine concert takes place fusing two worlds through contemporary experimental music from the Arab world improvised in synchronized harmony against the animated silent film THE ADVENTURES OF PRINCE ACHMED. The concert will be performed by four Lebanese musicians and electronic artists: Anthony Sahyoun, founder of the Lebanese experimental ensemble Kinematik in 2015; Jad Atoui, composes and performs electronic and electro-acoustic music and spearheaded the “Biosonics" project in collaboration with scientist Ivan Marazzi in 2015; Pascal Semerdjian, co-founded acclaimed Lebanese dream pop/shoegaze trio Postcards in 2013, of which he is the drummer and co-composer; and Fadi Tabbal, Lebanese musician, producer, and sound engineer.

Co-Produced by Cinema Akil and Metropolis Art Cinema in partnership with Irtijal


The Yard, Alserkal Avenue, Dubai
Cine Concert
26 November 2021, 7:30 pm

Free entry, registration required under Eventbrite

