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Curveball© Sten Mende

Curveball – A True Story. Unfortunately

Comedy, Germany 2021
108 min.

Director: Johannes Naber
Screenplay:  Oliver Keidel, Johannes Naber
Cinematography: Sten Mende
Cast: Sebastian Blomberg, Rafid Alwan, Virginia Kull, Michael Wittenborn, Thorsten Merten
Producers: Amir Hamz, Christian Springer, Fahri Yardim
Production: Bon Voyage Films
Rating: 18+
Language: German with English subtitles

Curveball – A True Story. Unfortunately

Bioweapons expert Wolf of the German Federal Intelligence Service BND is obsessed with the idea that, despite the UN inspections, anthrax is still being produced in Iraq. Back home in Germany, his superior Schatz assigns him as case officer for the Iraqi asylum seeker Rafid Alwan – because Alwan claims to have worked as an engineer for Saddam Hussein’s secret bioweapons program. It’s a rare triumph for a secret service not exactly spoilt by success: finally, they have a piece of intelligence that would put them one step ahead of the CIA. What they are missing, though, is proof. The search for which proves difficult, as ‘Curveball’ is well aware of his value to the agency. His claims, meanwhile, end up serving a number of decidedly different interests – the CIA, the German government, everyone is trying to use his incredible story for their own purposes. Thus, bit by bit, a construed story becomes reality and a lie becomes the truth. A truth, which sets in motion a chain of events that forever changes the global political landscape.

Johannes Naber was born in 1971. He studied Philosophy and Indian Philology at the Freie Universität Berlin and Film at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Active as a freelance director, scriptwriter and gaffer, his award-winning films include LEINFELDEN-ECHTERDINGEN (1997, short), POPSTAR (1999, music doc), ANFASSEN ERLAUBT (2005, doc), DER ZWEIFEL (2007, short), and the features THE ALBANIAN (2010), AGE OF CANNIBALS (2013), and HEART OF STONE (2016).

Director Johannes Naber and screenwriter Oliver Keidel have researched precisely and tell their story as a black comedy with witty dialogues and some bizarre moments. Sebastian Blomberg and Thorsten Merten shine as "Wolf" and "Schatz" in the leading roles.



Cinema Akil 
29 November 2021, 9:15 pm

Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi
3 December 2021, 7:00 pm

Free entry, registration required under Splashthat
Green Pass on AlHosn app and a PCR test not older than 96 hours is needed for entry!

