May 2017
“Fit in Deutsch 1” Certificate Closing Ceremony

76 lucky boys and girls were able to receive their “Fit in Deutsch 1” certificate on the stage of the Omani Ministry of Education, the certificate that might open the door to learning German further or even to study in Germany.

As in the previous year, the Omani Ministry of Education invited over 150 students who learn German and French from the two pilot projects “German and French in schools”, the ambassadors of both countries, representatives of the Goethe-Institut and the CFO (Center franco-omanais) as well as high-profile representatives of the ministry itself in the auditorium located on the outskirts of the city to show the students and the project their appreciation for an official awarding of certificates.
The guests were visibly impressed and well entertained at the performances by the students, who performed a theater scene and a song.
