October 2016
Multinational Language Camp

In 2016, the Goethe-Institut Gulf-Region organized for the second time a one-week language camp for 23 PASCH-students in the Gulf region.

Five schools were invited: a multinational school in Bahrain, a British private school in Kuwait, a traditional boys' school in Doha and a public school for boys and girls from Oman. A diverse group from different countries of origin came together in December in the idyllic Wadi Shab to learn German together for a week. The shared experience and the exchange among each other was new for many students - as was the German inventions, which the students first dealt with in a quiz and then in small groups. The STEM focus of this language camp was expressed in the project work on German innovations, which the students presented in a creative way at the end of the week. At this event, there were one or two surprises: From Adidas to MP3 to vacuum - the students were fascinated by all the "new" things they had learned.
