At Eye Level

Auf Augenhöhe
©Wolfgang Ennenbach

Feature Film

Palace Kino Cinemas

10-year-old Michi lives in a children's home, every day fighting to win the respect of the other kids. One day he happens to find a letter of his deceased mother addresses to “Tom”. That must be his father! Full of anticipation, he begins to search for a strong father who gives him a home. The greater the surprise when he finally stands in front of him. Tom is a dwarf! That's not how Michi imagined him. Tom is just as shocked by his unexpected fatherhood. When the two finally meet at eye level, their relationship is again suddenly put to the hard test ...

Length: 99 min
Release Year: 2016
Target Group: Junior
Tickets: Buy indivual and group tickets directly at Palace Cinemas
Rated E: Parental Guidance
To be considered: Bullies use cruel words and sexual allusions. A boy hits his father. A boy refuses violently to leave the house and hits policemen. Adults drink beer.

Video link "Greetings from the directors"

This screening is part of the ‘Kino for Kids’. ‘Kino for Kids’ will be presented as part of the German Film Festival, presented by Palace Cinemas and German Films.
Kino for Kids ©   Kino for Kids


Palace Kino Cinemas

45 Collins St
Melbourne 3000
Part of series Kino for Kids - Melbourne