Theatre | Music | Sound
Sydney Festival 2019

Beware of Pity at Sydney Festival 2019
Beware of Pity © Sydney Festival

Beware of Pity | Suppression Dam | Ben Frost

Roslyn Packer Theatre | Casula Powerhouse | Carriageworks

The Sydney Festival and the Goethe-Institut have collaborated in a close partnership for decades. If you're interested in German culture, we recommend the following performances for January 2019:

Beware of Pity, 23-27 January, Roslyn Packer Theatre: Schaubühne Berlin presents a bold, technically adventurous and sexually charged staging of Austrian Stefan Zweig’s 1939 novel “Ungeduld des Herzens”… a masterful portrait of a Europe stumbling toward chaos. Tickets here.

Suppression Dam, 12-13 January at Casula Powerhouse: Ensemble Adapter from Berlin collaborate with International Contemporary Ensemble from New York/Chicago and Ensemble Offspring from Sydney for this exceptional surround-sound concert at Casula Powerhouse. Tickets here.

Ben Frost, 12 January at Carriageworks: Created at Germany’s ZKM Karlsruhe, experimental composer Ben Frost presents a highly volatile multi-point sound environment. Expect a kaleidoscope of sonic ecology based on synthesis, analogue tape, live guitars and digital objects. Tickets here.


Roslyn Packer Theatre | Casula Powerhouse | Carriageworks


Price: See Sydney Festival Website

Roslyn Packer Theatre | Casula Powerhouse | Carriageworks