Mission Ulja Funk

Mission Ulja Funk


Palace Norton Street

When Ulja (12) is prevented from pursuing her passion, astronomy, she decides to take matters into her own hands. With a stolen hearse and a 13-year-old classmate as a driver, she makes her way across Eastern Europe to watch the impact of an asteroid. In doing so, she not only has to shake off her persecutors, but also her pragmatic view of friendship and family.

Length: 93 min
Release Year: 2021
Category: Middle
Age Recommendation
Topics: dreams, friendship, road trip, family, generations, astronomy, religion vs. science, Europe
Tickets: Buy indivual and group tickets directly at Palace Cinemas 

Tickets will be priced at $13.00 including GST per person for 20+ students with one teacher free per 10 students. Tickets will be priced at $14.00 including GST per person for 10+ groups. Price point for kids/teenager 17 years old and under is $14.00.


Palace Norton Street

99 Norton St, Leichhardt
Sydney 2040

Language: German with English subtitles
Part of series Kino for Kids - Sydney 2022