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For Everyday Heroes
In China

Alltagshelden It takes the graphic artist, Sascha Hommer, to China. In 2011, he spends four months in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, where he helps his friend Karl and Karl’s wife Linda in bringing out Citylife, the only English-language magazine about Chengdu.

Extracts from "In China":

Sascha Hommer: In China Sascha Hommer: In China © Sascha Hommer

About the artist Sascha Hommer:

Sascha Hommer © Nicole Sturz

For his book "In China", Sascha Hommer kept a graphic diary. However, it was more about taking notes than an attempt to put any good drawings on paper.

Travelpedia: China

  • Sascha Hommer: In China | Chengdu © Sascha Hommer (Detail)
    Pandas, spicy food, bad smog, heavy traffic, the ease of being, mahjong, tea houses and the best nightlife in China: Chengdu is the capital of the province of Sichuan in southwest China. Chengdu is said to be the most relaxed metropolis in China, confident and happy to party and relax.
  • Sascha Hommer: In China | Internet © Sascha Hommer (Detail)
    There is Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China, also known as the Great Firewall of China or the “Golden Shield” project. For example, WhatsApp is blocked. WeChat is the Chinese answer to this and offers even more functions than the Facebook subsidiary. Almost all Chinese use the WhatsApp alternative, they even pay for their purchases.
  • Sascha Hommer: In China | Language © Sascha Hommer (Ausschnitt)
    The most spoken language in the world is clearly Chinese. And that with more than a billion native speakers. Standard Chinese is the official language of the People's Republic of China. There are an incredible number of characters - around 50,000. About 3000 to 4000 characters are important for everyday life. Particularly hard for foreigners: Unfortunately, English doesn't always help on site.

Jonas Engelmann about "In China"

In no way does Hommer try to draw a realistic picture of the megacity, to present his Western readers with what appears to be an authentic picture of China, but focuses instead on the interpersonal encounters that shaped his time there."


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Casa 4_3 © Calle Claus (Detail)


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Making friends in Bangalore | Traffic © Sebastian Lörscher (Detail)

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More about Graphic Travelogues

Graphic Travelogues Graphik: Dominik Wendland © Goethe-Institut New Delhi

About the artists

Learn more about our well-known artists, including Barbara Yelin, Reinhard Kleist and Sarnath Banerjee. All with proven comic expertise and sometimes with more, sometimes with less travel experience in the respective country.

Graphic Travelogues Graphik: Dominik Wendland © Goethe-Institut New Delhi

About Graphic Travelogues

Graphic Travelogues presents travel experiences by comic artists from different countries, illuminates and identifies recurring topics. From sketches to graphic novels, graphic diaries and travel drawings, we collect treasures here and question concepts and motivations, techniques and experiences.
