©Aspekte Neu A1-B2, Gute Idee A1.1
Our Textbooks
At the Goethe-Institut, we believe in quality. Both in our teaching and in the selection of our textbooks. That is why we rely on strong partners: the publishing houses Klett and Hueber as well as the PBS Book Shop in Dhaka.
Next to your teacher, the textbooks will be your most faithful companions on your journey through the German language. They will connect you with your classmates and enable you to communicate effectively. They contain 'can do' statements and take into account the 5 Cs: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities. The digital resources are fun and focus on original and authentic content through a simple, user-friendly platform. They help you achieve your goals quickly and reliably.
Books are more than papers and letters. Make sure you buy an original from our partner PBS Book Shop.