

Vila Sul, Salvador-Bahia

  • View from patio © Gabriela Randig

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Kitchen © Aldren Lincoln

  • Kitchen © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

  • Communal room © Aldren Lincoln

In an ever more globalized world‭ – ‬especially when taking into consideration the great potential of digitalization,‭ ‬alongside the search for more‭ ‘‬analogical‭’ ‬relations‭ – ‬cultural relationship networks become increasingly important tools for placement.‭ ‬In this context,‭ ‬the residency format is particularly rich,‭ ‬as it allows for long-lasting encounters and fuels new creative‭ (‬co)elaborations.‭ ‬Nonetheless,‭ ‬it is necessary to find new approaches that make action possible in various ways,‭ ‬as well as allow for multiple outcomes.‭ ‬In this world searching for a new order,‭ ‬the bilateral dynamics of here and there are no longer sufficient.‭


Cate Lartey teaser © C Lartey

APR - JUN / 2024
Cate Lartey

Artist, Researcher and Curator

Odun Orimolade teaser © Benjamin Oladapo

SEP - NOV 2023
Odun Orimolade

Transdisciplinary artist and researcher

Raphael Hillebrand teaser © Frank Joung

MAR -MAY/2023
Raphael Moussa Hillebrand

Choreographer, curator, activist and dancer

João dos Santos Martins teaser © Matheus Martins

JUL - SEP/2022
João dos Santos Martins

Dance, Curatorship, Multidisciplinary Art

Mario Pfeifer teaser © QF

JUL - SEP/2022
Mario Pfeifer

Multidisciplinary Art

Alexandra Rodriguez teaser © Manuel Aponte

Alexandra Rodríguez

Multimedia artist and experimental musician

Florencia Romano teaser © Florencia Romano

MAR - APR / 2022
Florencia Romano

Moviemaker, researcher and movie critic

Franz Thomas teaser © Franz Thomas

OCT - DEC / 2021
Franz Thomas

Transformative facilitator 

Tata Ribeiro teaser © Femtec Sanar

MAI - AGO 2021
Tata Ribeiro

Artista visual e pesquisadora

Kika Carvalho teaser © Kika Carvalho

NOV - DEZ 2020
Kika Carvalho

Visual artist and social educator

Alexandra Rodríguez teaser © Nicolas La Roche

AUG - OCT 2020
Alexandra Rodríguez

Multimedia artist and experimental musician

João dos Santos Martins teaser © Matheus Martins

AUG - OCT 2020
João dos Santos Martins

Dance, Curatorial, Multidisciplinary

Mario Pfeifer teaser © QF

AUG - OCT 2020
Mario Pfeifer

Multidisciplinary Artist

No Martins teaser © No Martins

AUG - OCT 2020
No Martins

Visual Artist

Ventura Profana teaser © Ge Viana

AUG - OCT 2020
Ventura Profana

Evangelist singer, writer, composer, and visual artist

Natasha A. Kelly teaser © Thabo Thindi

OCT - DEZ 2019
Natasha A. Kelly

Author, Curator, Academic Activist

Salma El Tarzi teaser © Salma El Tarzi

JUL - SEP 2019
Salma El Tarzi

Filmmaker, visual artist and essayist

Annika Kahrs teaser © Helge Mundt

APR - JUN 2019
Annika Kahrs

Film / Performance / Installation

Augusto Soledade teaser © Toddy Holland

04/06 - 27/07/2018
Augusto Soledade


Ana Hupe Nina Cavalcanti

02/04 - 26/05/2018
Ana Hupe

Visual artist

Isaac Julien teaser 2 © Thierry Bal

08/04 - 15/05/2018
Isaac Julien

Filmmaker and artist of installations

Mark Nash teaser © Mark Nash

04/04 - 15/05/2018
Mark Nash

Independent Curator, Writer and Filmmaker

daniel_184 © Daniel Moreira

30.06. - 28.07.2016
Daniel Moreira

Arthur Kampela
