Gabrielle Lebeau

Gabrielle Lebeau banner © Michel Raymond




It was through travelling that Gabrielle Lebeau reconnected with her childhood passion: writing. She has studied at London School of Journalism (United Kingdom) and Creative Writing at Université de Montréal. Since 2015, she has published many short stories and three books. In October 2017, she released her first journalistic work, "Biographie, Claude Dubois". In January 2018, she finished the manuscript of her first novel "Partie", which was published in October 2018. In March 2018, after a three-month trip to Brazil, she started working on a new novel and an essay. This essay, "Nos ancêtres, les premiers hippies", was granted a price by the Union des écrivains du Québec (UNEQ) and was published in September 2023. Gabrielle Lebeau is currently finishing her novel "12 femmes", which received a grant from the Conseil des arts du Québec.