Stephan Lanz

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Urban researcher

Stephan Lanz, Prof. Dr., is an urban researcher at the Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and at the metroZones Center for Urban Affairs ( in Berlin.  He conducts research at the cultural and social science intersections of urban studies and has published numerous scholarly articles and books (most recently 2021: Governing the Favela ... in Rio de Janeiro).  Lanz has co-curated international research and cultural projects. This includes 'Ersatzstadt' (Volksbühne Berlin, 2002-2006) and 'Global Prayers - Redemption and Liberation in the City' (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, metroZones, in collaboration with various Goethe-Instituts, 2007-2014).  Empirically his urban research focuses on immigration and racism, popular culture and social struggles (e.g. in the Brazilian favela). He has written theoretical contributions on urban governmentality, postcolonial and Southern urban theory, and urban religion.