Career Day
Global Career Booster German(y) @ University of Toronto

University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs

Workshops, Expert panels, Information booths

The career day is devised for high school-, university students and parents to promote the furtherance of multilingualism in academic study, the German language in particular, as well as Germany as a destination for study, research and professional development. The event brings in experts from academia, the business sector and government and will showcase not only different career paths, but also the professional benefits of foreign languages and international experience. The aim of the event is to encourage the study of German as preparation for employment in the global marketplace, as well as to highlight opportunities for scholarships to study and research in Germany. 

The career day will start of with a keynote discussion led by Senator Ratna Omidvar, followed by a panel discssion on German/Multilingualism as Global Fluency. Eventually participants have the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops.
Participation at this event is free of charge; prior registration is not required. However, we kindly ask German teachers who want to bring their classes to the event to register via E-Mail ( In addition, we offer participating school classes a limited number of grants for meeting the travel expenses. (Applications for this grant are part of the registration form; Grants will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis).


Time Event Room
10:30am - 11:15am Introduction
by Stefan Soldovieri (UofT) and Uwe Rau (GIT)

Keynote speech
by Senator Ratna Omidvar 

108 North
11:15am - 11:30am Coffee break (Lounge)  
11:30am - 12:30pm Panel discussion (German/Multilingualism as Global Fluency) with

Vanessa Laufer, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
James Steele, Ontario Modern Language Teachers Association
Narcis Tajvidi, BMW (TBC)
Sven Walker, Dale & Lessmann LLP
108 North
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch break (Lounge)  
1:30pm - 2pm Study in Germany: How to find the right university
Presented by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD

*concurrent German Language Crash Course
(208 North House)
108 North
2pm - 2:30pm Presentation
Classroom to Career - A Conversation with Stephan Anders, Director, Meserplan North America

Hosted by Husna Arif, University of Toronto

*Games, quiz, wheel of fortune (208 North House)
108 North
2:30pm - 3pm University of Toronto School students report on Maximum city excange program in Frankfurt

Nicola Townend, Della Anderson, Anirudh Ram-Mohanram, University of Toronto Schools

*concurrent German Language Crash Course 
(208 North House)
108 North

Information fair @ 108 North:

  • Goethe-Institut
  • Career Centre UofT
  • International Office UofT
  • Ipraktikum UofT
  • Lufthansa
  • DAAD





University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs

108N / 208N, North House
1 Devonshire Place (Campbell Conference Room)

Toronto M5S 3K7

Price: Free entry

+1 416 5935257 - 206