Current Literature from Germany

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The literary scene in Germany is as diverse and colorful as the population and it is as vibrant as ever. Be it groups of young writers or magazines in very small editions and self-published, find out more about exciting things from the German literary scene!

Everybody reads

The structures of the publishing scene may be centuries old, but they have begun to move. Works from marginalized populations are finding their way into the reading rooms of the republic thanks to a fresh scene of magazines, clubs, and social media channels. 

Verzweifeln Sie bitte nicht,
wenn Sie das alles nicht gleich begreifen

Please do not despair, if you do not understand all this right away.
Charlotte Krafft „Die Hyperironie“ (from „Das Wetter“ #13, October 2017, S. 37+)

New books

📖 We have put together a collection of current reviews of books 📚 that you can also borrow from our library. For even more book reviews, we can recommend the Rosinenpicker-blog of our colleagues in Germany, also the source of the articles below.

The diversity of German Literature
