European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages 2016
© Council of Europe


The European Day of Languages has been celebrated in Europe on September 26th since 2001 as an initiative of the Council of Europe.  

Promoting lifelong language learning and stressing the importance of intercultural understanding are the main objectives of the events associated with the European Day of Languages.

Acting as promoters of plurilingualism in the GTA, Alliance Française de Toronto, Goethe-Institut Toronto, Instituto Camões Toronto, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto and Spanish Centre Toronto will be hosting the 11th European Day of Languages on Friday, September 25, 2020 - this year in an online edition.

We will offer free online sample classes in 11 languages – Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish and an online musical event.

More information on the program and links to the online sample classes and the online concert will be available at the beginning of September on the European Day of Languages Facebook page.





Price: Free