Conversation & Workshop

Alex Martinis Roe: For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree
Alex Martinis Roe: For the joy of being together, they didn't have to agree | Photo: Centre de documentació de Ca La Dona

A conversation on feminism in form of a public exchange of letters

Gallery 44

Co-presented by the Goethe-Institut

Federica Bueti and Alex Martinis Roe are guests of the Goethe-Institut 

Berlin-based writer Federica Bueti and artist Alex Martinis Roe will be in conversation to discuss their common interest in feminist practices of sexual difference, in particular the practices of affidamento ("trust") and resonance, and the place of writing in the (de)construction, or hacking, of the modern Western subject. In the form of a public exchange of letters, they will explore their methods of framing and constructing their authorial voices and how feminist historical practices have influenced their current research and practices. 

This event is part of Gallery 44's Field of Vision series, exploring larger conversations surrounding photography and contemporary image culture. The last in their year of programming in partnership with the EMILIA-AMALIA Feminist Working Group, this event marks the culmination of the Gallery's first programming theme, Feminist Citation, which looks at how knowledge is reproduced and attempts to critically inform narratives that are brought forward.

The conversation on Friday is followed by a workshop on Saturday: Generating Political Alliances

Federica Bueti is a writer based in Berlin. She is the editor of ...ment, Journal for Contemporary Culture, Art and Politics. Her writing on art and cultural theory has appeared in magazines such as frieze, BOMB, Ibraaz, Makhzin, Flash Art,Carla, X-TRA, a.o. Her current research focuses on feminism, the economies and politics of personal writing. She is part of the curatorial team at SAVVY Contemporary Berlin, where she co-curates the series Speaking Feminisms dedicated to an exploration of current feminist practices and alliances. She is currently completing her PhD in Critical Writing in Art at the Royal College of Art, London.

Alex Martinis Roe (born 1982 in Melbourne, Australia) is an artist based in Berlin. Her current projects focus on feminist genealogies and seek to foster specific and productive relations between different generations as a way of participating in the construction of feminist histories and futures. Her exhibitions include Badischer Kunstverein, Germany (2017); ar/ge kunst Galerie Museum, Bolzano (2017); Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (2017); Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Amsterdam (2016). 

Gallery 44 is a non-profit artist-run centre committed to photography as a multi-faceted and ever-changing art form. Founded in 1979 to establish a supportive environment for the development of photography, Gallery 44’s mandate is to provide a context for reflection and dialogue on contemporary photography and its related practices. Gallery 44 offers exhibition and publication opportunities to national and international artists, award-winning education programs, and affordable production facilities for artists. 


Gallery 44

401 Richmond Street West
Suite #120
Toronto M5V 3A8

Language: English
Price: free admission