Philip Scheffner: Havarie

Philip Scheffner: Havarie (still)
Philip Scheffner: Havarie (still) | © pong

Toronto Premiere

Goethe-Institut Toronto

Presented by the Goethe-Institut Toronto
with Hot Docs Festival, Images Festival, and Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival

HAVARIE (Germany 2016, 93 min), directed by Philip Scheffner, with Rhim Ibrir, Abdallah Benhamou, Leonid Savin, Terry Diamond,
film installation

Installation. Available on demand during opening hours.

Please note: May 3 only available for viewing from 3:30-6:00 pm due to special events.

​German Film Critics Award 2017
Berlinale Forum 2016
Best Editing in an International Feature at RIDM - Montreal International Documentary Festival 2016
Arte Documentary Award at Duisburger Filmwoche 2016
Best International Feature Film at L'Alternativa Barcelona 2016
Special Mention - Prix Georges de Beauregard International at FID Marseille 2016

On September 14, 2012, at 14:56, the cruise ship Adventure of the Seas reported the sighting of a damaged boat, with 13 people on board, to Spanish sea rescue. From a YouTube clip and biographical audio scenes, a choreography emerges, reflecting the past, present and future of the travellers on the boat and on the Mediterranean cruise ship. 

Documentary filmmaker Philip Scheffner stretched out the cellphone footage that Irish tourist Terry Diamond shot from the deck of the ocean cruiser so that three minutes became ninety. The film almost feels like watching a photo that is accompanied by a soundscape.

37º 28.6´N 0º3.8´E. An inflatable dinghy full of people, one of them waving. The camera pans slowly to the right and shows tourists on a cruise ship looking out to sea. The camera moves back, touches upon the boat again and then pans to the left, to the other side of the ship. The following is heard at the same time: the rescue crew requesting via radio that one should wait until a helicopter arrives. A woman talking on the phone in France to her husband in Algeria. Later he speaks of a crossing.

During the work on this film, images overtook reality. Havarie responds to this by condensing sound and disassociating it from the image to create a space of perception that allows the viewer to experience their own position without ever losing sight of the subject at hand: a cinematic coup of true radicalism.

"Havarie is a curious beast. The sense of urgency and fear is undeniable, and Havarie makes for a powerful viewing experience." - The Upcoming

Philip Scheffner, born 1966 in Homburg/Saar, lives and works as an artist and filmmaker in Berlin. He has been working as a visual artist since 1985. His feature-length creative documentaries "The Halfmoon Files", "Day of the Sparrow" and "Revision" won numerous awards and were lauded by international critics. He runs the production platform pong and composes and produces electronic music.

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Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6

Price: free admission

Tue 1pm - 6pm
Wed + Thu 3pm - 7:30pm
Sat 9:30am - 1:30pm