Online professional development session
Online professional development sessions for German teachers

Webinars in North America - Events
Photo: Goethe-Institut/Loredana La Rocca

Various topics

Online Conference

Don’t miss the chance to attend our interactive webinars. It doesn't matter how much time you have – you can either register for a single session or enroll for all courses. They are 60 minutes long and free.
Webinar 1 – Thursday, 09/28/2017, 7pm
Subject: Reading strategy in German-as-a-second-language-lessons

Reading strategies can assist reading competence as well as comprehension in a positive way. The acquisition and implementation of these strategies are not only important for foreign language learning, but are finding their way into official curricula. Webinar 1 addresses the theoretical aspects of reading strategies and their practical application in the classroom.  

Webinar 2 – Thursday, 10/26/2017, 7pm
Subject: Listening comprehension in German-as-a-second-language-lessons

Not only reading competency, but also listening comprehension can be improved with diverse strategies. How can we impart selective listening to our students and which strategies can help us with that? Webinar 2 makes listening strategies and the possibilities of how teachers can use them the key topic of discussion.  

Webinar 3 – Thursday, 11/23/2017, 7pm
Subject: Introduction to and practice of grammar in German-as-a-second-language-lessons

No language can be learned without knowing proper grammar structures. Hence, introductory grammar and praxis are essential for German-as-a-foreign-language learning. Webinar 3 deals with useful tips and examples for bringing grammar into the classroom.

Webinar 4 – Thursday, 12/14/2017, 7pm
Subject: Internal differentiation

Learning groups are always heterogeneous: students have different prior knowledge, rates of learning and are not always interested in the same topics. One possibility to deal with this heterogeneity is the so-called internal differentiation. Thereby didactic, methodological and organizational methods are used in the classroom to bring smaller groups of students with the same level together. Which concrete opportunities do we have as teachers to differentiate a heterogeneous group and which approaches can we use to do so? This subject will be presented in Webinar 4.  

For more information and to register, please visit:
Webinars in North America


Online Conference


Language: German
Price: free