Emerging Artists - Contemporary Experimental Films

Emerging Artists - Contemporary Experimental Films and Video Art From Germany
© Ilaria di Carlo, Johannes Krell ,Stefan Ramirez Perez

Window Projections on St-Laurent Blvd. and Ontario St. - Daily from sunset to midnight

Goethe-Institut Montreal

With their program "Emerging Artists – Contemporary Experimental Films and Video Art From Germany" AG Kurzfilm and German Films have been promoting the next generation of experimental short filmmakers since 2013. From this series, the Goethe-Institut has selected three works to present in its windows throughout the summer: The Divine Way, a work based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, Still Life, a new take on nature films, and Stick it, one artist’s attempt to enter the mind frame of competitive gymnastics.
Director: Ilaria di Carlo | 15:00 | Germany 2018 | experimental | no dialogue

Loosely based on Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, The Divine Way takes us along on the protagonist’s epic
descent through an endless labyrinth of staircases. As the woman journeys deeper, the staircases
mutate and she is trapped and pulled into their dangerous landscape, conducting us through more
than fifty locations.

Directors: Johannes Krell, Florian G. M. Fischer
Documentary | Germany | 2014 | 11'42"

The filmmakers leave the classical nature film behind to explore new ways of conceptualizing our understanding of nature. A hitherto familiar environment develops strange characteristics and meanders between movement and stagnation, hypnosis and realism, naturalness and artificiality.

"Hauntingly beautiful imagery of natural and artificial scenes challenges our idea of the classic nature film. (…) Johannes Krell and Florian Fischer beautifully encapsulate the delicate balance between reality and illusion." - Shannon Hanmer, Hot Docs Toronto

Director: Stefan Ramirez Perez
Single channel video, 4:45 min ∞, colour, stereo, 2014.

Stick It combines television footage of women's gymnastics with recordings of the artist attempting the same routines. Merging himself and the young gymnasts of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta into one
composite character, he enters an ambivalent position between envy, identification, rejection and critique of these highly controlled bodies and their restricted performative roles. The video follows the preparation and execution of a floor routine, suspending the marginal moment right before the action, encapsulating ambition, the pressure to succeed and the looming possibility of failure.


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Price: Free

514 499 0159