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Becas Solitude 2020/21

Akademie Schloss Solitude
© Akademie Schloss Solitude

International artists and scientists from the following spheres of practice can apply for a fellowship: VISUAL (visual arts and media), AURAL & PHYSICAL (music and performing arts), DIGITAL/Digital Solitude (digital art, gaming, digital journalism, digital publishing), SPATIAL (architecture and design), TEXTUAL (literature and language), SOCIETAL/COMMUNAL-BASED WORK (education, mediation, theory), SCIENTIFIC/art, science & business (humanities, social, natural and economic sciences.)


Who can apply?

The open call is open to applicants from all above mentioned spheres of practice. The program addresses young professionals with different disciplinary emphases with a distinct interest in a transdisciplinary approach and a strong motivation for group interaction. We would particularly like to encourage artists from non-western knowledge backgrounds to apply for the fellowship. The conditions of the Akademie Schloss Solitude apply.

For details about conditions, benefits and selection procedure please check:

Application Instructions

To apply, please visit the Akademie Schloss Solitude application page and hand in your application online until April 30, 2019 (12 pm CET) at the latest.

