Goethe-Découverte 2016

lachevre_245 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

Félicité Asseh


Surname: Felicité Asseh
Artist name:  
Residence: Yaoundé
Show at the GI: 13.04.2016
Contact: feliciaasseh@gmail.com

Felicité Asseh is an actress who holds a degree in Performing Arts from the University of Yaounde I. The play " La chèvre et le Léopard (The goat and the Leopard) is a five-movement adaptation of a text which portrays the man and the girl.

  • lachevre_1 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_2 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_3 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_4 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_5 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_6 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_7 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig

  • lachevre_8 ©Goethe- Institut/J.Gerbig
