Goethe-Découverte 2017

Foto_Découverte_Théâtre_Franka Melegouo245 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam



Surname: Franka Melegouo
Artist name: Franka Melegouo
Residence: Douala
Show at the GI: 08.02.2017
Contact: franka5love@yahoo.com

Franka Melegouo is a young self-taught theater actress based in Douala. After attending various workshops and festivals, she presents the play "20 ans, Juliette, le désir" in which she embodies Clara Gazul. This play tells the story of a woman who, at every stage of her life, discovers the different facets of love: truth, passion, pain, doubts, betrayal.

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO1 ©Goethe- Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO2 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO3 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO4 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO5 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO6 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO7 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam

  • FRANKA MELEGOUO8 ©Goethe-Institut/E.Kouekam
