Juku Youth Seminar

JuKu-Vorbereitungsseminar695 © Goethe-Institut Kamerun JuKu-Vorbereitungsseminar695 Goethe-Institut Kamerun

This year again, the best German students in Cameroon prepared themselves for scholarship to Germany. The annual traditional preparatory  seminar lectures for youths ( Jugendkurs) from the PASCH initiative successfully held this year from the 11th to 15th  of April at the central school for sport ODZA (l’ ecole de sport d’ Odza).
       Youths from 15 to 16 years coming from Bafoussam , Kumba ,Garoua, Douala and Yaounde  had the opportunity to be trained with the aim of ameliorating their intercultural competencies and equally visit the German consultant and the representative of the ambassador. The 17 scholarship holders in Juku (Jugendkurs), IDO (international Deutsch Olympiade) and PAD ( Padagogische Austausch Dienst) took part in the seminar and within four days they had the opportunity to  know one another, to deeply explore their own culture and to discover the German culture through seminars and recreational activities. The participants left from their own culture, embraced a foreign culture and placed themselves in other countries of the whole world to get a first feeling for what might come. Moreover the students experienced unforgettable events notably the visit of the Representative of the German Ambassador to Cameroon, the joy of exchanging on the various possibilities on traveling to Germany  and cooking a meal together: Gulasch (a German Meal), Eru which was accompanied with water fufu (well known in Cameroon) , and also tart Irish (Something from both places).
      The separation was difficult but it won’t be for long because candidates will meet again for their traveling to Germany. Students bid one another farewell with tears in their eyes but returned to their various homes with a broad understanding of their own very culture and that of Germany.
      The seminar was simply wonderful (prima) as in the slogan use during the seminar Klasse, Klasse, Klasse, Klasse, Klasse, Prima

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