German clubs celebrate the anniversary of the Manengouba meeting

BKDParade695 © © Goethe-Institut Kamerun BKDParade695 © Goethe-Institut Kamerun

A dozen German clubs met, for the tenth time at the German club meeting of the Mungo region, in Nkongsamba. This year the hosting school was the Lycée de Nlonako. The German club delegations arrived early in the morning to prepare their exhibitions and performances.
The day before the German teachers of the region were educated by the Goethe-Institut about “learning goals and the composition of lessons”.
The meeting started with a visit of the exhibitions and products, German learning students prepared in their German clubs: they produced postcards out of local materials, posters about village life and symbolistic vases as well as recipes for milk bonbons and traditional dishes.
After a parade of the German clubs, a very broad cultural program began. About 200 pupils recited poems, which they either wrote themselves or composed by famous German authors. They performed sketches and plays about village life and AIDS prevention, sang and danced to popular Cameroonian hits and old pop songs from Germany.
The quiz games,where the German clubs fight for the German club champion, was the highlight of the event.
This year the coveted title was won by Lycèe Bilingue de Baré (category premiére) and Collége Episcopal St. Jeanne (category seconde). The regional inspectors for the German language, the principals and other officials of the region as well as the special guest Dr. Herz, who conducts the eye clinic in Nkongsamba, chose the best performance.
Until next year…
