Vicenta Moreno
Road to the Sea

Vicenta Moreno © © Archivo de la Casa Cultural el Chontaduro Vicenta Moreno © Archivo de la Casa Cultural el Chontaduro

An inhabitant of the Aguablanca District, Moreno is a graduate in Artistic Education and candidate to a Master's degree in Popular Education at Universidad del Valle. For 29 years, she has been part of the Chontaduro Cultural House, carrying out processes with an ethnic-racial and gender-based perspective, which are built collectively. This has enabled her to discover the deep link with her ancestry and with other women and men who are working for a world with more justice and love. Vicenta has experienced the ravages of the armed conflict, as well as those of systematic death, which has hounded black bodies and peoples for centuries. Her outrage at injustice has led her to call certain issues into question, along with other people, and to start seeking political solutions aiming at resignifying life in their territories. Therefore, from Chontaduro, they have organized various alternative proposals that promote affective links and the exchange of knowledge, such as processes for the recovery of memory related to cultural and ancestral knowledge; research, action, and participation initiatives (IAP) with cross-cultural perspectives of race, gender, class, and sexuality; a socio-political school; the establishment of national and international networks, and artistic and academic animation processes.