Debating Workshop

As part of the Erasmus+ Debate not Argue project, a Belgian delegation of (future-) politicians, journalists and teachers will come to Prague for an exchange with Czech high school students. This unique opportunity will immerse them into the world of debating in a fun, accessible and interactive way.

Debating Workshop © Debate not Argue

The goal of Debate not Argue is to educate on the topic media literacy and to elaborate techniques and methods for successful debating. During the last two years, several workshops took place, which aimed to equip future teachers and youth workers with these competences. The former participants are now spreading the word and are realizing workshops themselves. One of these is the upcoming event in Prague that aims to introduce debating to students and their teachers.

Sign up for the workshop on January 22 or January 23 to become part of an open minded and actively debating community. The event will take place at the Goethe-Institute in Prague and is directed to students between the ages of 16 to 18. Please be aware that the workshops are being held in English, a B1-level is recommended.

You can register by writing an email to the following addresses:,
Please include the preferred date (22.01.24 or 23.01.24) and the number of participants including the teacher.
