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Save €150 Only until March 23, 2025 in our online shop with the promotional code SPRING2025

German Online

  • Top-quality online learning with the Goethe-Institut
  • Independent learning without a teacher
  • At the language level of your choice – ranging from A1 to C1
  • Anywhere, anytime (24/7)

Are you looking for a convenient way to learn German online that offers you more than a simple language app? In that case, our German Online Training is the perfect fit for you. With us, you can start learning at your own language level and master German at your own speed. The course includes exercises for an entire language level, ranging from A1 to C1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference.

Learn German conveniently at your own pace

Benefit from all the advantages that online learning offers: convenience, flexibility, going at your own pace – all while receiving tried-and-tested, top-quality teaching from the Goethe-Institut. Our experts in language acquisition and the best way to learn German have devised a wide range of exercises. They have structured them so that they build upon one another to enable you to learn independently and monitor your progress yourself.

Start now at language level A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1 and learn German on your own online at anytime.

The discounted price is only granted through bookings in the web shop. You can enter the promotional code after you have entered your personal data. Please don't forget to press the green ‘Apply’ button.
  • Level
    A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

  • Start
    Immediately after booking

  • Duration
    70-85 hours

  • Hours per week
    Recommended: 6-7 hours

  • Access to learning platform
    3 months from the time of booking

  • Price
    EUR 299  EUR 149
    Promotional code: SPRING2025
    only until March 23, 2025

Access the German Online Training in just a few steps

  • Book

    Book your course easily and conveniently online.


What does German Online Training include?

German Online Training is an online course to help you learn German independently. This course will enable you to move up an entire language level.

Learn German independently
The training is divided into chapters that cover current and everyday topics and teach you the vocabulary and grammar you need to understand them.
You'll learn German without a teacher and practice independently with a wide range of exercises, e.g. videos, images, audio files, reading texts and cloze texts. The German Online Training focuses on listening and reading skills. You'll practice your writing skills with cloze exercises but you won't specifically practice your speaking skills.

Placement test to determine your language level
If you're not sure what level of German you have, you can complete our free placement test.
Select a placement test instead of a level during the booking process. The appropriate German Online Training level (A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1) is then unlocked depending on your score.

On the learning platform you will find helpful info boxes next to the exercises. In these, the respective task is explained to you in your support language.
Gruppe und Lerner an Laptop

Die Goethe-Lernplattform

Während des Trainings erhalten Sie Zugang zur Online-Lernplattform des Goethe-Instituts.
Die Plattform ermöglicht Ihnen selbstständiges und flexibles Lernen nach den neuesten Entwicklungen und Erkenntnissen der Sprachlern- und Lehrforschung. Die Lernmaterialen wurden von den Expertinnen und Experten des Goethe-Instituts speziell für das Onlinelernen entwickelt und in abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben gegliedert. Indem Sie die technisch und methodisch innovativen Lernaktivitäten abrufen, wird das Deutschlernen besonders effektiv.
Neben jeder Übung finden Sie hilfreiche Infoboxen. In diesen wird Ihnen in Ihrer Supportsprache die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung verständlich erläutert.

Various exercise types

  • Videos and animations

  • Pictures and graphics

    Pictures and graphics

  • Audios and audio samples

    Audio and listening samples

  • Texts and exercises

    Texts and exercises

  1. 1
  2. 2

Levels offered

Kurstufenmodell EN
Kathrin Hahn

Our innovative German Online Training keeps learners stimulated and engaged: The more than 800 exercises per level offer enough material for learners to study and practice German independently 24/7.

Kathrin Hahn, Director of the Goethe Language Lab

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

We are happy to advise you +49 89 1222 3 1222 from Mon to Fri, 8am – 6pm: kundenservice-d@goethe.de