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Ahmad Gamal Saad-Eddin Ahmed Fathy © Goethe-Institut

Ahmed Gamal Saad

After completing his medical studies, Ahmad Gamal Saad-Eddin worked in the medical field before switching to journalism. He has worked as an editor for Manshoor.com, a budding and independent Arabic website dealing with topics such as philosophy, culture and social change. Since 2019 he has been working as editor for the Arabic edition of Nature's Arabic. 



Psychiatry in perplexity
Psychiatry is currently in a phase of helplessness. Despite the significant progress it has made, there are many shortcomings that affect the entire treatment process. These challenges are becoming increasingly complex in many Arab countries where mental illness is still a taboo. In this context, I have tried to address, on the one hand, the problem of diagnosis and, on the other hand, the treatment and practices of psychiatry. My interest in this topic comes from my experience as a psychiatrist. It has inspired me to explore the field and its history to its present state. In my opinion, it is crucial to recognize that medical and psychiatric concepts overlap in several areas. By following these concepts in their present state, we should be able to better understand them in order to develop them further in the future.

رحلة البحث عن تشخيص: طريق الطب النفسي غير الممهد ©Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

The Journey in Search of Diagnosis: An Unforgettable Path to Psychiatry
(available in arabic)
