Open Call
"Workshop for Script Writers and Producers of Short Films"

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Workshop for Script Writers and Producers of Short Films
from 5-7 December 2016

You are a team of Director/Script Writer and Producer (or Director/Script Writer and Producer in one person) with a script for a new short film and you would like to get feedback and advise from an experienced international producer and script-consultant? This is your chance to take part in a three day workshop at the Goethe-Institut with Marie Dubas, producer and CEO at Deuxième Ligne Films.
This workshop aims to support emerging short film makers and producers to proceed with their career and to build international networks.
We can accept six teams of a script writer/director and a producer each. You can also apply if you are a director/script writer and produce your own short film or a director/script writer with a very strong project idea.
The main focus of the three day workshop will be an in-depth feedback on your script. Every team will have the chance to discuss their script and short film project in detail with Marie Dubas. There will also be a session for the group to discuss each other’s projects.
One day of the workshop will be dedicated for input from Marie Dubas and information exchange on the subject of “The role of international festivals in the financing of sub-Saharan films”. This also includes a brief exposition of international funds available for the production of short films and a brief presentation of the main international festivals which take part in financing and promoting of short films.
Also Hiwot Admasu and Henok Legesse, Ethiopian short film directors, script writers and editors, whose short film “New Eyes” made it to several international festivals and won various prices, will share their story and experiences.

This workshop is part of “Creative Futures”, a two year programme to support the creative industries in Ethiopia, jointly organized by British Council, Goethe-Institut and iceaddis, funded by the European Commission.
Within “Creative Futures” the Goethe-Institut implements a two year International Professional Networking Programme, working with exceptional creatives in the sectors of short film, photography, gaming, fashion and cultural management and linking them with international partners and experts with the aim to make Ethiopian short film, photography, games and fashion better known internationally and to develop further opportunities for their respective sectors in Ethiopia.
Dates and venue:
5-7 December 2016
Goethe-Institut Addis Abeba
Requirements, application process, application deadline and selection process
Please send the following documents by email to

  • Your script
  • A short introduction/bio about yourselves (script writer and producer), including your experiences in the cinema field
  • A motivation letter
As the aim of the project is, amongst others, to build international links, it is essential that you have a good command of English.
Application deadline is Friday, 18 November 2016.
The selection of participants will be based on the script, the qualifications and experiences of the applicants.
Marie Dubas

After having studied literature and philosophy, Marie Dubas started operating in the production field in 2005.
To this day, she produced more than 15 shorts and 1 feature film, all selected and awarded in numerous international film festivals.
She founded Deuxième Ligne Films in 2014, to focus on French and international emerging talents.
The company is currently post-producing The Wound John Trengove debut feature, in co-production with Urucu Media (South Africa). It is also in production of a short-film series, entitled Disturbing Genders, for French broadcaster France 2, and of a documentary series about the relation between French youth and the presidential election of 2017, for French broadcaster France 3.
Marie Dubas also operates as a script consultant for French and international companies.
Hiwot Admasu
One of the very few Ethiopian upcoming filmmakers in the international scene, Hiwot Admasu Getaneh believes she learned the art of storytelling from her grandmother. Though her love for art was obvious from her activities in the high school years, she first got her B.Sc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Addis Ababa University in 2010. She then decided to follow her real passion, filmmaking, and joined the Blue Nile Film Academy in Addis Ababa. After experimenting with school shorts, she made her first professional short film New Eyes in 2015. The film premiered at the Venice International film Festival in Sep 2015 and showed at the Toronto international film festival the same month. New Eyes has screened in so many festivals around the world and has recently won the Best Short film Award at the Durban International film Festival. Hiwot was able to attend a lot of workshops and talent labs around the world; TIFF Talent Lab, Addis to Cannes, Locarno Summer Academy and Berlinale Talents to mention few. She says the mentorship of excellent filmmakers from such places helped her carrier a lot. She made a documentary called Letters from Ethiopia in 2016. Currently, she is working on a short and a feature film with the same story called A Fool God.
The Goethe-Institut
is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive image of Germany by providing information about cultural, social and political life in our nation. Our cultural and educational programmes encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement. They strengthen the development of structures in civil society and foster worldwide mobility.


Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Sedist Kilo
Compound of College of Business and Economics
P.O.B. 11 93 Addis Abeba