Oblivia: Verdrängen Verdrängen Verdrängen

Oblivia: Verdrängen Verdrängen Verdrängen
Photo: Saara Autere

Espoo City Theatre

Verdrängen Verdrängen Verdrängen marks the 20th anniversary of the Finnish minimalist performance art company Oblivia. In this obsessively researched and crystallised performance, Oblivia works through the various meanings of the German word ‘verdrängen’ and investigates rejection, abandonment, dislocation, and disengagement. 

On a plain black stage, in the light of overhanging white neon lights, three performers test the limits of experimental contemporary music theatre. Oblivia devised the performance in collaboration with multitalented young composer Yiran Zhaon and the company’s resident lighting designer Meri Ekola. Together, they drill down to collective European memories from the start of the 20th century until the year 1989. The year when everything changed.

The new work will premiere in Stuttgart on February 7th, 2020 at the contemporary music festival ECLAT. Then, after a two-week run at Stuttgart’s Theater Rampen, the performance will transfer to Salzburg’s ARGE-Kultur, and further onto Espoo City Theatre.

Performance art company Oblivia was founded in Helsinki in 2000. In their work, the company organically fuses performance art with contemporary dance and theatre. Politically and ethically uncompromising, Oblivia celebrates both the transformational power of art and the intelligence of its audience.  

On Stage: Alice Ferl, Timo Fredriksson, Annika Tudeer  
Light Design: Meri Ekola 
Dress Design: Tua Helve  
Composing & Sound Design: Yiran Zhao 
Production: Oblivia / Jenny Nordlund in co-operation with RÖD/ Katja Tolonen & Jenni Salminen amd ehrliche Arbeit / Elena Polzer 

Duration: approx. 1 h, no intermission


Espoo City Theatre

Revontulentie 8

Language: English and German, surtitles in Finnish
Price: 30/27/20 €

Venue: Louhisali