International Online Book Club
Meet the Author #21: Şeyda Kurt

Radikale Zärtlichkeit - warum Liebe politisch ist Buchcover
© Verlagsgruppe Harper Collins

Radikale Zärtlichkeit


As part of our ongoing International Book Club series, we look forward to meeting our next guest Şeyda Kurt, whose book Radikale Zärtlichkeit - Warum Liebe politisch ist (Radical Tenderness - Why Love is Political) we highly recommend to you.
We are also looking forward to welcoming Fatima Khan, who will moderate the discussion. Fatima Khan, born in Bhola in 1987 and raised in Cologne, is an author, artist, curator and moderator. She studied Ancient Languages and Cultures - Classical Literature and German Studies at the University of Cologne. She was the initiator and co-founder of q[lit]*clgn, the first feminist literature festival in Germany.

All are welcome to join this live online event, and it's not required that you have already read the book. Participation is free of charge and the discussion takes place in German.

Radikale Zärtlichkeit

What is love? Is love the meaning of life, a political alliance, an illusion or an end in itself? Or is it actually impossible because we are completely torn apart between fears for the future, excessive demands and discriminatory structures?

Şeyda Kurt takes apart our all-too-familiar norms of love amidst the forces of patriarchy, racism and capitalism, and uses the example of her own biography to explore how traditional relationship models become unbalanced as soon as family ties, previously regarded as secure, are broken, and established truths are thrown into doubt. Because love does not exist in a vacuum. It is a mirror of our society. And it is political.

Şeyda Kurt

Şeyda Kurt, 2021 © © Elif  Küçük Şeyda Kurt, 2021 © Elif Küçük
Şeyda Kurt, born in Cologne in 1992, studied Philosophy, Romance Studies and Cultural Journalism in Cologne, Bordeaux and Berlin and is a journalist and presenter. Among other things, she writes for taz, Die Tageszeitung and ZEIT ONLINE. In the column Utopia, she discusses cultural representations of love and tenderness on theatre stage for the online theatre magazine On Twitter she writes about political and sociological issues under @kurtsarbeit.


You will then receive a link to the live online event.

Who can participate?

Everyone who wants to read and discover German literature, meet authors and share their reading experience with others - even if you haven't read the book yet. The book club is held in German. All participants should have sufficient language skills to read and discuss in German.

Technical requirements

We will use Zoom for our meeting. We recommend using a headset, as speakers can create distracting echo effects. Participation is possible from PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. To participate, simply follow the link we will send you after registration and sign in to the room.


Language: German
Price: free of charge