Career Days

Karriere Roadshow UK © Gèza Schenk

What (professional) opportunities are there if you learn German at school or university? Which industries need applicants with German language skills? And how do you apply for a job or internship in the German-speaking world?
Our career roadshow in Finland offer students a multi-faceted program that provides insight into the relevance of German in professional life.

Where and when?

 Date & Time Location Registration
Helsinki Thursday, 31.10.2024 University of Helsinki will be announced in August
Turku Wednesday, 13.11.2024 University of Turku
will be announced in August

What to expect?

Participants can expect a broad programme at the roadshow:
  • Exhibition stands of German organisations and German/international companies
  • Workshops on the topics of " Finding a career", " How to apply for a job (in Germany)", "Intercultural awareness training", "German taster session".
  • Presentations by companies, young professionals and students
  • Information on study opportunities with German and in German-speaking countries
  • Quiz with fantastic prizes and much more...

The target group are school pupils from the age of 15 and undergraduate university students.


Teaching and supplementary materials

These teaching materials will help you prepare for and follow up on the German Career Roadshows or can be used as a separate teaching unit. 
Notebook for Career Roadshow
AB Macht Karriere - Arbeitsplatz
AB Macht Karriere - Telefonieren
AB Macht Karriere - Zoom, Teams
AB Macht Karriere - Wellbeing
AB Macht Karriere - Links
Text Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? (B1)



Organisatoren und Partner Karrieretage 2023

Organisatoren und Partner Karrieretage 2023 | ©Goethe-Institut Finnland

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