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National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens

© Spiros Rekounas

National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (EMST)

The National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (EMST) began operating in 2000. It is located at the former FIX brewery, the reconstruction of which was completed in February 2014. Since its foundation, EMST has been building its collection based on a policy that ensures the inclusion of a range of artistic voices. It aims to be unprejudiced in terms of genres, expressive means, subject matter, and artists’ national and geographical origins. Currently, the collection has approximately 1,400 artworks. In the context of its social and educational role, EMST offers opportunities for interaction with contemporary art through exhibitions, activities, programmes, and publications. EMST invests in synergies and collaborations with a view to developing and promoting contemporary art.

About the educational department and intergenerational programmes 

Learning at EMST is facilitated through participation and experiential methods, fostering an active approach to and aesthetic appreciation of artworks, while encouraging freedom of self-expression, the cultivation of critical and creative thinking, and meaningful communication. The programmes for all educational levels, socially vulnerable groups, and mixed groups (different ages, backgrounds, etc.) contribute to the experiential discovery of and familiarisation with contemporary art.

Website: https://www.emst.gr/en/
