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Katharina Greve

 Katharina Greve @ Marcus Müller Katharina Greve, born 1972 in Hamburg, studied architecture at the Technical University, Berlin. An artist, writer, cartoonist and comic strip creator, she lives in Berlin. In addition to drawing cartoon and comic strips for Titanic, Das Magazin, taz, neues deutschland, Der Tagesspiegel etc., Greve has published several graphic novels.


Die dicke Prinzessin Petronia
[Fat Princess Petronia]
avant Verlag, Berlin 2019.
Das Hochhaus
avant-verlag, Berlin 2017.
Hotel Hades
Egmont Graphic Novel, Cologne 2014
Eigentlich ist Wurst umgestülptes Tier
Eichborn Verlag, Cologne 2013.
Patchwork – Frau Doktor Waldbeck näht sich eine Familie
Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2011.
Ein Mann geht an die Decke
Die Bibliothek, Leipzig 2009.


2018 Rudolf-Dirks-Award - Experimental/Alternative
2016 Max and Moritz Prize
2013 Sondermann Prize for Comic Art - Emerging Talent Prize
2010 ICOM Independent Comic Prize -  Exceptional Artwork
2010 German Cartoon Prize for Emerging Talents
Online seminar for translators (12.11.20):

Translating graphic novels: A special challenge