Parents Engage is an Erasmus+ program aiming to encounter Early School Leaving (ESL) of migrant or immigrant children by encouraging parents to involve more in their children’s education. The program is taking place in Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Turkey.
Migrant and refugee parents face significant linguistic, cultural and socio-economic barriers when it comes to being more actively involved in their children’s education. The situation has worsened with the outburst of the pandemic crisis and the shift to distance learning in schools which multiplied educational inequalities, affecting more severely those who were already disadvantaged, including newly arrived migrants and immigrants.
How do organizations and schools in European countries-home to refugees and migrants, face the difficulty of parental information and students’ integration? Are there any innovative approaches from which we could benefit? How can we improve the learning system by using digital tools and methods?
Parents Engage brings together education professionals, parents and students with migrant or immigrant background residing in Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Turkey to overcome pressing challenges on the educational system.
During the course of the two years an open, digital, educational platform will be developed mainly but not exclusively for the teachers, including:
Coordinator: Stichting International Parents Alliance (IPA), Netherlands
Goethe-Institut Athen, Greece
Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik Ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV), Turkey
CESIE, Italy
Center For Social Innovation Ltd (CSI), Cyprus
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Stimmuli For Social Change (STIMMULI), Greece
Parents Engage is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (Key Action 2).
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